Hi, we like the idea of this decentralized digital currency and are compiling a list of places near Seattle to accept Bitcoin. Please leave a comment to submit your business or suggest one.
If you are in the Bellingham area please checkout this site to find shops, restaurants, tour companies, and more that accept Bitcoin. Bitcoin Bellingham .com

The Cheese Wizards food truck hops around Seattle serving up grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. They also are now accepting Bitcoin as a payment option.

Crystal Seas Kayaking specializes in guided 3 hour, full day, sunset and multi-day kayaking and multi-sport trips in Washington’s sunny San Juan Islands – mid March through mid October. The perfect adventure for singles, couples, groups, and families – no experience is necessary. We are locally owned and operated by second generation islanders on San Juan Island and proudly support local businesses, organizations, schools and small farms.
If you are in the Bellingham area please checkout this site to find shops, restaurants, tour companies, and more that accept Bitcoin. Bitcoin Bellingham .com